Sucess in Visionary Award of 2021

On May 5, 2022, we became as co-researchers with Zemědělský výzkum, spol. s r.o. Winner of the Visionary of the Year 2021 award for: long-term technological, economic and social field of agricultural production and breeding. 
As co-researchers with Zemědělské, spol. s.r.o. we won the Visionary of the Year award in 2021. We received the award for the Long-Term Technological, Economic and Social Area of Agricultural Production and Breeding.
It is the microarray that concerns the genotyping of clover, which was demanding even with regard to the presence of polycloidia in plants. It is a new world-unique microarray, enabling the genotyping of thousands of plant individuals in a single test. It is protected by utility models and has the option of transfer / use in other plants or agrogenomics.
The results of the competition were announced by the CzechInno association.


Successful projects of OP EIC: Essence line - chip for brain diagnostics

Essence line used the grant support for a project focused on the development of a new type of mirna-chip, ie a multiplex tool for early diagnosis of stroke. the set of analytes contained in the so-called cichip includes a series of micro rnas specific to the processes taking place on the barrier between the brain and the bloodstream. specific markers were selected on the basis of consultations with experts, especially dr. tsenov, provided know-how from research centers, and according to breakthrough findings discovered in recent professional publications. the intention of this project was to create a unique and effective diagnostic tool for early detection of phenomena occurring mainly at the level of the so-called neurovascular unit, and thus to enable early targeted therapy applied in clinical workplaces in the future.






Essence line, s.r.o. has become a new member of avo, which successfully commercializes the result of a joint research project carried out in cooperation with the agricultural research troubsko, spol. s r.o. and masaryk university the result of the project will be a new population chip that will significantly facilitate the breeding process. fast and efficient detection of up to many tens of thousands of samples in one experiment is not only economical but also very time-efficient. currently, the economic-environmental evaluation of the above-mentioned technology is under preparation, which will greatly facilitate the business practice of its use.

Essence line, s.r.o. he is mainly engaged in the development of products and services in areas related to genotyping, genotoxicity, dna diagnostics and other biochemical analyzes and is actively involved in national and international research projects.

The main theme of the first joint meeting was the beginning of intensive cooperation on the preparation of new research projects, involvement in international projects and, last but not least, the presentation of our new member within avo. pleasant conversation between avo representatives – dr. marie kubáňková and dagmar doleželová, mba and executive of essence line, s.r.o., ing. petr novotný took part in the laboratory where we introduced the nanoprint ™ protein microarrayer lm60 robotic system technology.