We Distribute the full line of electronic and mechanical Ovation pipettes which are trully “the better way to pipette”. We also distribute the extremely durable MLA pipette line with the unmatched lifetime warranty.
Range of pipette tips: non-sterile and sterile, filtered and low retention- are designed to be the perfect match for our pipettes. We also sell variety of high quality reagent reservoirs which optimize the recovery of critical reagents.
Ali- Q was introduced i 2017 as the world´s aliquoting pipet controllerfor extremely accurate and precise aliquots in the 0.5- 5 mL. range. We also sell the full line of Wobble-not serological pipets which stop leaking!


In cooperation with Arrayit, we have been designing, producing and interpreting data from DNA and protein microarrays. The future special focus will be on medical, agricultural and biological population studies, laveraging the revolutionary VIP™ genotyping technology, allowing screening of hundreds of thousand samples. Multiple applications are yet to come, however the obvious focus is a racionalisation of medical therapies, personal medicine, selection of different biological species (agricultural, livestock etc.) Arrayit NanoPrint™ and SpotBot® microarrayers provide sophisticated solutions for automated DNA and protein microarray printing.

Thanks to cooperation with company Xenometrix, we are able to offer you products for genotoxicity screening. Xenometrix is a ISO 9001:2008 certified swiss company specialized in the production, distribution and service of bioassays, such as mutagenicity test systems. The tests come as a complete kit, are standardized and quality controlled.
The Ames MPF and Ames II kits are two microsystems cited in the ICH M7 guideline for genotoxic impurities and are preferred by the pharmaceutical industry due to their low consumption of compound and high sensitivity. UmuC products are ready-to-use kits for the detection of potentially genotoxic compounds by induction of the SOS response in S. typhimurium TA1535 [pSK1002].
Rapid, high-sensitivity, combined YES (estrogen) and YAS (androgen) test kis for the determination of hormonally active compounds in environmental, chemical and cosmetic sample.
Fast and efficient flexible combinations of Cytotoxicity assays. Individual and combined assays kits
Enviromental screening

These enviromental screening products are manufactured by Xenometrix.
All kind of environmental samples, such as drinking, surface or waste water, sediments, air can be tested with the Ames and UmuC dedicated kits
Turnkey Products
Turnkey laboratory deliveries